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# 이클립스에서 메이븐 프로젝트 만들기 ( Create a Meven Web Project with Eclipse)



>> 참조

# 이클립스에서 메이븐 참조 추가 (Import Maven Preferences in Eclipse)

-- 메이븐 원격 archetype 목록을 이클립스에서 import


>> 참조

* https://search.maven.org에서 검색 결과(June 2019)

# Web Application 프로젝트 개발 순서 (예제)

1.Create Maven Web Application

2.Add Dependencies - pom.xml File

3.Project Structure : Class Diagram

4.AppInitializer - Register a DispatcherServlet using Java-based Spring configuration

5.PersistenceJPAConfig - Spring and Hibernate Integration using Java-based Spring configuration

6.WebMvcConfig - Spring MVC Bean Configuration using Java-based Spring configuration

7.JPA Entity - Customer.java

8.Spring MVC Controller Class - CustomerController.java

9.Service Layer - CustomerService.java and CustomerServiceImpl.java

10.DAO Layer - CustomerDAO.java and CustomerDAOImpl.java 11 JSP Views - customer-form.jsp and list-customers.jsp

11.Serve Static Resources - CSS and JS

12.Build and Run an application

>> Class Diagram

-- AppInitializer, AppContext, WebMvcConfig

-- CustomerController, Customer

-- CustomerServiceImpl, CustomerService

-- CustomerDAOImpl, CustomerDAO

>> 참조

블로그 이미지


I want to share the basic to programming of each category and how to solve the error. This basic instruction can be extended further. And I have been worked in southeast Asia more than 3 years. And I want to have the chance to work another country.
