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Python/파이썬 설치


- http://www.python.org에서 Download메뉴를 선택

- 3.x 버젼을 선택 다운로드후 실행

- 설치확인은 powershell에서 python이라고 입력후에 오류가 나지 않으면 성공

(Window Key + R후에 powershell을 입력하면, powershell이 실행됨 )

[Python3] 파이썬 2.x 버전과 3 버전 차이 정리



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I want to share the basic to programming of each category and how to solve the error. This basic instruction can be extended further. And I have been worked in southeast Asia more than 3 years. And I want to have the chance to work another country.
