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선호도 높은 16개의 웹 디자인 폰트(2007년 기준..)

-Helvetica, Arial




-Century Gothic ( ? 이 편집기는 지원 안됨 )

-Lucida Grande ( ? 이 편집기는 지원 안됨 )

출처 :

This article is the 2nd one in the Web Design series. It was inspired and partially based on the results of the interviews conducted with 35 web designers by Smashing Magazine.


* Word에서 사용하면 좋은 글꼴


블로그 이미지


I want to share the basic to programming of each category and how to solve the error. This basic instruction can be extended further. And I have been worked in southeast Asia more than 3 years. And I want to have the chance to work another country.
