'내장 웹브라우저'에 해당되는 글 1건

노출되는 이미지가 불편하시겠지만 양해를 구합니다. 노출, 클릭등에 관한 자료로 활용 중입니다.

C# 윈폼 앱에 CefSharp 오프소스 웹브라우저를 사용하기

1) 윈폼 프로젝트 생성

2) NuGet ( Solution -> Configuration Manager , 프로젝트를 AnyCPU에서 x86 또는 x64로 변경)

- 직접 복사하는 방식은 해당 URL에서 참고

3) Form에 코드 추가하기 ( Form -> View Code)

using CefSharp;
using CefSharp.WinForms; 
public ChromiumWebBrowser browser;
public void InitBrowser(){
    Cef.Initialize(new CefSettings());
    browser = new ChromiumWebBrowser ("www.google.com");
    browser.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
public Form1() {

# GitHub 

: https://github.com/cefsharp/CefSharp

CefSharp lets you embed Chromium in .NET apps. It is a lightweight .NET wrapper
around the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) by Marshall A. Greenblatt.
About 30% of the bindings are written in C++/CLI with the majority of code here is C#.
It can be used from C# or VB, or any other CLR language. CefSharp provides both WPF
and WinForms web browser control implementations.


- Full Web Browser in your C# App

- HTML5, JavaScript and PDF supported

- Deep Integration

- Warp-drvice Performance

- Free and Open Source

- Multiple Flavors : CefSharp.WinForms, CefSharp.WPF

- Documented and Supported

원문 : http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/1058700/Embedding-Chrome-in-your-Csharp-App-using-CefSharp

블로그 이미지


I want to share the basic to programming of each category and how to solve the error. This basic instruction can be extended further. And I have been worked in southeast Asia more than 3 years. And I want to have the chance to work another country.
