'Crypto Currency'에 해당되는 글 1건

노출되는 이미지가 불편하시겠지만 양해를 구합니다. 노출, 클릭등에 관한 자료로 활용 중입니다.

BitCoin/비트코인 채굴하기

1. mining pool 가입하기

- 일반적인 PC로는 1bit coin를 채굴하기 위해서는 수백년이 소요된다.

- 대표적인 사이트 https://bitminter 가입하기

2. 채굴 도구 설치하기

- Java를 통해서 실행되는 Client로서, Java설치가 필요하다.

3. 채굴 Client 실행

- ENGINE START를 누르면, 시작된다.

- Client실행후에 Settings->Account의 설정은 https://bitminter.com/members/workers의 Workers설정과 가입 ID를 사용하면 된다.

- https://bitminter.com/members/workers의 메뉴에서 "Accepted"가 Client에서 작업한 결과를 반영하는 항목이다.

- 이 방식은 GPU를 사용하는 과정으로, ASIC를 사용하는 방식은 설명을 찾아 보면 될 것 같다.

*  CPU로 채굴하기

How to mine BitCoin with your CPU


- cpuminer 

1. 다운로드, https://github.com/pooler/cpuminer

2. 사용법, minerd --help

3. 옵션

-a : specify the algorithm

-o : URL of mining sever

        • us1.bitminter.com:3333 (United States)
        • us2.bitminter.com:3333 (United States)
        • eu1.bitminter.com:3333 (Europe)

-u : username for mining server

e.g. John_asic3

-p : password for mining server

You can put X or 123 as password

-t : number of miner threds

-D: enable debug output

-P: verbose dump of protocol-level activities

mining.notify , https://github.com/ctubio/php-proxy-stratum/wiki/Stratum-Mining-Protocol


  "method": "mining.notify",

  "params": [

// Job ID.


// Hash of previous block.

    "cc8122818b18803ee5d1 0f737a65b4bc083a2a8c00c6bf500000000000000000",

// The miner inserts ExtraNonce1 and ExtraNonce2 after this section of the coinbase

    "0100000001000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff4d03bd5407094269744d696e7465722cfabe6d6d345a22ef755 0f17b770cd4443b0d6518cdc894f396e3bd6ec8d530bc62bb83380100000000000000096575313e2f00000004",

// The miner appends this after the first part of the coinbase and the two ExtraNonce values


// List of merkle branches. The coinbase transaction is hashed against the merkle brances to build the final merkle root



      "bef5a66cadfd72b4003d8 fe43cc47dd799a1eea591779fcd1ea725d02a4de297",

      "27f05a3d8292bffe8836c605373a97b95210960fbb65 eab217ce8c1450c4198e",


      " 3ae54c3a88eee2ef1440cb171f23e25dd6c3c2f20e29d554e65848c4bfb3db69",

      "7709c4da7d0ccc6de618dc3 732e9ef542da80cd7cc68c6b105ccbad57b09a193",

      "2dda89452949583814463fa1dfc21ca5922835d893afb5 ac817b7028ab3b7efe",


      "d7 dfa91ccabf0f151c388726a410f4ab430a231348b03862c2ca17ebcaa6c96a",

      "5533806ec8f9c855711eb7e99 07d878e56b9ed5986dd3e26c91868768ddc64a1",

      "b0194b4ea47866169ab41468208ac475e9a70c1af6467d0a 6a93dc9bcc0da0ed"


// Bitcoin block version, used in the block header


// nBit, the encoded network difficulty. Used in the block header.


// nTime, the current time. nTime rolling should be supported, but should not increase faster than actual time.


// Clean Jobs. If true, miners should abort their current work and immediately use the new job. 

// If false, they can still use the current job, but should move to the new one after exhauting the current nonce range.



  "id": 1


*  주의할 사이트

1. 맬웨어 : minergate.com

블로그 이미지


I want to share the basic to programming of each category and how to solve the error. This basic instruction can be extended further. And I have been worked in southeast Asia more than 3 years. And I want to have the chance to work another country.
