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 (2.2) Openfire, 외부 Database 연동 II




Authentication Integration


Openfire는 인증 data를 보유한 외부의 database에서 읽어 올 수 있다.


The simplest possible integration with a custom external database is authentication integration. Use the following settings to enable authentication integration.



-- set the value to org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.JDBCAuthProvider.


-- the SQL String to select a user's password. The SQL statement should contain a single "?" character, which will be dynamically replaced with a username when being executed.


-- the type of the password. Valid values are

"plain" (the password is stored as plain text)
"md5" (the password is stored as a hex-encoded MD5 hash)
"sha1" (the password is stored as a hex-encoded SHA-1 hash)
"sha256" (the password is stored as a hex-encoded SHA-256 hash)
"sha512" (the password is stored as a hex-encoded SHA-512 hash)
If this value is not set, the password type is assumed to be plain.



User Integration


Openfire는 사용자 data를 보유한 database에서 읽어 올 수 있다.


Optionally, Openfire can load user data from your custom database. If you enable user integration you must also enable authentication integration (see above). Use the following settings to enable user integration.



-- set the value to org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.JDBCUserProvider.


-- the SQL statement to load the name and email address of a user (in that order) given a username. The SQL statement should contain a single "?" character, which will be dynamically replaced with a username when being executed.


-- the SQL statement to load the total number of users in the database.


-- the SQL statement to load all usernames in the database.


-- the SQL statement fragment used to search your database for users. the statement should end with "WHERE" -- the username, name, and email fields will then be dynamically appended to the statement depending on the search. If this value is not set, searching will not be enabled.



-- the name of the username database field, which will be used for searches.


-- the name of the name database field, which will be used for searches.


-- the name of the email database field, which will be used for searches.




Group Integration


Openfire는 그룹 데이타를 보유한 database에서 읽어 올 수 있다.


Openfire can load group data from your custom database. If you enable group integration you must also enable authentication integration; you'll also likely want to enable user integration (see above). Use the following settings to enable group integration.



-- set the value to org.jivesoftware.openfire.group.JDBCGroupProvider.


-- the SQL statement to load the total number of groups in the database.


-- the SQL statement to load all groups in the database.


-- the SQL statement to load all groups for a particular user. The SQL statement should contain a single "?" character, which will be dynamically replaced with a username when being executed.


-- the SQL statement to load the description of a group. The SQL statement should contain a single "?" character, which will be dynamically replaced with a group name when being executed.


-- the SQL statement to load all members in a group. The SQL statement should contain a single "?" character, which will be dynamically replaced with a group name when being executed.


-- the SQL statement to load all administrators in a group. The SQL statement should contain a single "?" character, which will be dynamically replaced with a group name when being executed.


실제로 수정된 내용이 Openfire AdminConsole에 반영된 결과

원문 : https://www.igniterealtime.org/builds/openfire/docs/latest/documentation/db-integration-guide.html

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